Monday, January 12, 2015

Rough start

We signed Makenna up for an "art" program on is one of her loves.  This program sounded great until she got started and we realized something....they do not actually "do" art.  That is very heart breaking for a 6 year old that loves all things art. That means every Monday I basically hold my breath, cross my get the picture...and wait for the tears to flow.  She. Does. No. Want. To. Go.
This morning we dropped Mason, our 3 year old, off at preschool and got to work on our school work when we got home.  My poor girl just cried as we worked our way through math, Spanish, and spelling.  When it was time to go to art we made it to the parking lot, but I just did not have the heart to make her go in today...she was right pitiful.  So now we are home making our own mess...I mean art :).  

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