Friday, January 2, 2015

A little about me

I am a wife, a mom to three beautiful children, and I am pretty new to the world of homeschool.  Before starting our family I was an early childhood educator.  I remember when I was pregnant with our first child being asked many times if I would homeschool.  I politely smiled and said "no" when asked, but on the inside I was laughing at even the thought of trying!  As my daughter, now 6, got closer and closer to school age I began to entertain the idea of homeschooling.  She is a visual and kinesthetic learner and my husband and I did not feel that public school would be the best option for her.
Having two small boys as well I was very intimidated by the idea, so I decided to enroll her in a homeschool hybrid academy.  The two days that she goes to school have been enjoyable for her, but the other days...not so much.  There is work to turn in each week and it becomes a struggle to get it done because is boring and very worksheet heavy.  SO beginning next year I will homeschool full time!  I am excited, a bit scared, hopeful, but most of all I just can't wait for this new adventure!  My desire is to blog about our experiences, lessons, organization (or lack of), and to hear about your adventures as well!

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