Monday, January 12, 2015

Rough start

We signed Makenna up for an "art" program on is one of her loves.  This program sounded great until she got started and we realized something....they do not actually "do" art.  That is very heart breaking for a 6 year old that loves all things art. That means every Monday I basically hold my breath, cross my get the picture...and wait for the tears to flow.  She. Does. No. Want. To. Go.
This morning we dropped Mason, our 3 year old, off at preschool and got to work on our school work when we got home.  My poor girl just cried as we worked our way through math, Spanish, and spelling.  When it was time to go to art we made it to the parking lot, but I just did not have the heart to make her go in today...she was right pitiful.  So now we are home making our own mess...I mean art :).  

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Homeschooling with little ones at home

My almost 1 year old has decided recently to cut his first nap..which of course can make schooling a bit more interesting :). This morning, Jaxon was into EVERYTHING!  I started to get frustrated, but then Makenna and I just had to laugh.  He will not be this small forever...gotta soak it up while I can.  Craziness and all :)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Snowball spelling

One thing I am looking forward to next year is starting a new curriculum.  The curriculum we are using this year (All About Reading and All About Spelling) is extremely repetitive.  That is not always a bad thing, but for my daughter it is. I would switch curriculums now, but since we are in a hybrid school this year my daughter, Makenna, must stay on track with everyone in her "class."  So I tweak and supplement :).  

Today is our first day getting back into the swing of things...she was actually excited to get started!  We began with spelling and I wanted to make it fun.  I found this idea for snowball spelling on Pinterest (

She did a great job sounding out each word and writing them down!  Oh and do you see that chair?  I'm wanting to redo it..any suggestions?

Friday, January 2, 2015

Homeschool Chick: A little about me

Homeschool Chick: A little about me: I am a wife, a mom to three beautiful children, and I am pretty new to the world of homeschool.  Before starting our family I was an early c...

A little about me

I am a wife, a mom to three beautiful children, and I am pretty new to the world of homeschool.  Before starting our family I was an early childhood educator.  I remember when I was pregnant with our first child being asked many times if I would homeschool.  I politely smiled and said "no" when asked, but on the inside I was laughing at even the thought of trying!  As my daughter, now 6, got closer and closer to school age I began to entertain the idea of homeschooling.  She is a visual and kinesthetic learner and my husband and I did not feel that public school would be the best option for her.
Having two small boys as well I was very intimidated by the idea, so I decided to enroll her in a homeschool hybrid academy.  The two days that she goes to school have been enjoyable for her, but the other days...not so much.  There is work to turn in each week and it becomes a struggle to get it done because is boring and very worksheet heavy.  SO beginning next year I will homeschool full time!  I am excited, a bit scared, hopeful, but most of all I just can't wait for this new adventure!  My desire is to blog about our experiences, lessons, organization (or lack of), and to hear about your adventures as well!